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  • Writer's pictureDoug Sombke


Updated: May 21, 2021

Contact: Dakotans for Health Press

Date: Thursday, November 12, 2020

Email: Info@Dakotans4Health.Com

South Dakota Farmers Union and Dakotans For Health Media Advisory

South Dakota Farmers Union Goes 'all in' on Medicaid Reform


Huron, South Dakota

Dakotans for Health, an emerging group of public officials, caregivers, health care advocates, and concerned citizens announced today the SOUTH DAKOTA FARMERS UNION (SDFU) ENDORSEMENT AND SPONSORSHIP OF THE EFFORT TO PLACE A MEDICAID EXPANSION MEASURE ON THE 2022 BALLOT.

What South Dakotans need to know:

South Dakota remains one of twelve states in the country that has yet to offer access to Medicaid health insurance to thousands of South Dakotans who are working full time jobs. According to the nonpartisan South Dakota Legislative Research Council (LRC), the Medicaid expansion measure if passed, would cover over 40,000 South Dakotans who make less than $17,000 a year, 133% of the federal poverty level. The LRC also estimated that in the first year of implementation, South Dakota would receive $301,800,000 (million) in Federal support for up to $20,800,000 (million) investment, a +15:1 return on investment (ROI).

South Dakota Farmers Union President Doug Sombke supports Medicaid Expansion, Rural Healthcare, and Dakotans for Health #MedicaidExpansionSD #MedicaidExpansion
South Dakota Farmers Union President Doug Sombke

Doug Sombke:

“This should have been done long ago when the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was passed in 2010,” said Doug Sombke, SDFU President. “South Dakota has the highest percentage of uninsured low income adults (18-65) in the entire nation. Reforming Medicaid is not only the right thing to do, it is also good economics. It will shore up our ailing rural healthcare systems and help our rural economy. The Farmers Union is all in and committed to do whatever it takes to get this important measure before the voters in November of 2022.”

South Dakota Has Highest Share of Uninsured Low Income Adults in US #MedicaidExpansionSD
South Dakota Share of Uninsured Low Income Rural and Metro Adults

Adam Weiland

“We expect to be on the streets circulating petitions in the next couple of weeks” said Adam Weiland, a co-founder of Dakotans for Health. “We have a little less than 12 months to collect 50,000 signatures to secure ballot access and with the support of the South Dakota Farmers Union we are confident we will get this done. Who can be against giving 40,000 of our fellow South Dakota access to affordable healthcare and a 15-1 return on investment? This is a no brainer.”

Medicaid Reform; 300 million dollars annually at a 15:1 ROI for South Dakota
Medicaid Expansion will inject +$300,000,000 annually into South Dakota's Economy

For more information contact

You can DONATE via ActBlue to support this effort by clicking HERE.

Uniting farmers, ranchers and rural communities to strengthen South Dakota, the work of South Dakota Farmers Union began in 1915, when farmers united to work together for the good of agricultural producers across the state. Today we continue our work by promoting the interests of farmers and ranchers and their families – from a national, state and local perspective.

A growing network of public health officials, healthcare professionals, patient advocates, elected officials and concerned citizens dedicated to improving healthcare in the Dakotas.

Additional Background

South Dakota is one of twelve states who has yet to expand Medicaid under the ACA

North Dakota expanded Medicaid in 2015. The program has brought hundreds of millions of additional dollars into the state:

Montana expanded Medicaid in 2015 as well. The program brings an additional $600 Million a year to the state:

Medicaid Expansion Fiscal Notes (South Dakota Legislative Research Council)


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