Niobrara, Nebraska
The Chairman of the Great Plains Tribal Leader's Health Board, Roger Trudell, issued the following endorsement and statement of support of the grassroots group Dakotans for Health’s campaign to expand Medicaid.
“The work of expanding Medicaid is important to the future success of Indian Country and I would like to thank Dakotans for Health and our tribal chairmen for what they are doing to make it a reality. People’s lives depend on it and we will do whatever we can to ensure their success."
Trudell is the longtime Chairman of the Santee Sioux Nation, located in Niobrara, Nebraska. He serves as the Chairmen of the Great Plains Tribal Leader's Health Board. Trudell also serves concurrently on the board of the Great Plains Tribal Chairmen's Association.
About Dakotans for Health
Dakotans for Health, an emerging group of public officials, caregivers, health care advocates, and concerned citizens to improve healthcare in the Dakotas including sponsoring the expansion of Medicaid and defending South Dakota's century old tradition of the initiated measure. We are honored to be joined by Organized Labor, all nine of South Dakota's Native Nations, and AFSCME Council 65 in this worthy endeavor.
Questions? Contact Pam Cole [] she is our Grassroots Organizing Director and will take good care of you!
Making a Donation
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